Priyanka's Little Turtle

Vinitha Ramchandani

About Vinitha Ramchandani

Vinitha Ramchandani is Mumbai-based children's fiction writer. Some of her well-known works are Sethu Learns to Smile, Unni's Story and Turtle Tales

Available Answers

  1. 1.

    Why were the sea-birds circling above Priyanka?

  2. 2.

    Why did Babymol say Priyanka would not listen to her?

  3. 3.

    What was Babymol's advice to Priyanka about looking after the turtle?

  4. 4.

    Why was Grandmother angry?

  5. 5.

    What was the real reason for Priyanka's good behaviour?

  6. 6.

    How did Keerti's presence help change Priyanka as a person?

5 more answer(s) available.

This site is marvellous TRULY MARVELLOUS!
20 Jun 2020Abhigyan C.
Sea birds were circling above Priyanka because they wanted the turtle that Priyanka had to be their next meal
02 Feb 2021Abhilasha S.
where is the answer only question is given
28 May 2021BISWAJIT G.
Where are the extra questions from this story
17 Jul 2022Piyali B.
Where is questions and answers
27 Jul 2023Minal W.
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